17 september 2009

Diggar andrea´s nya blogginlägg liksom

Tina´s place is really good for all the single girls. Chilling at her place means eating fast food, candy, chips, drinking Cola Zero and wine but also meeting all these men from Gothenburg. It´s so funny, I´m laughing my ass off. Every single minute, a guy calls here. Every second minute, a guy drops by. And all of these persons are really good looking. Tina is not interested in any of them in that way (they are all her friends), so all of you single girls out there should really be in my position right now. :)

haha alla kommer förbi för att säga hej... Mina älskade vänner som vet om att jag e sjuk och älskar sällskap...
de turas om och andrea bara hör att dörren öppnas och att de ringer i mobilen...

Men men vad skulle man göra utan sina underbara vänner???

Livet leker liksom...


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